Monday, March 7, 2011

The Beginning...

"God made yeast, as well as dough, and he loves fermentation just as dearly as he loves vegetation."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

And so it begins. I have become a "blogger." We'll see if it lasts! I tend to be one of those people that heads into something full speed only to move on to something new three weeks later.
That's beside the point. This is about the yeasties! And my garden and my chickens and my cooking and all the other hobbies that lately have been getting in the way of my other hobbies.
I started brewing at home a few years ago. I was dating a guy who was interested in it and we made a few beers together before the relationship ended. The best thing to come of that relationship was my new found love of yeast.
Yeast is a big part of our lives. It makes the bread on our tables rise. It creates the tasty beverages we consume with friends. It also keeps the bacteria on our bodies in check. Yeast is everywhere! 
It began with beer, and after I made a few batches, I decided bread was next. Strangely, I was able to create great beer with my little yeasties, but all I could do with bread yeast was make bricks. It took months before I was able to conquer the elusive "moist and light crumb, with a crispy crust" that we all strive for in our bread. I still worry before I slice into a new loaf that it will be hard and dense and better for a foundation than my stomach. I still get teased by my boyfriend for having served him bricks I tried to pass off as loaves.
Having conquered fermentation by yeast, it was time to try out things to be made by bacteria. Yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, sour cream, the possibilities are nearly endless. If only I had a cow and a few other meat animals, I would never need a grocery store again! Yogurt is quite simple and always delicious. Cheese can range from easy to difficult to make, mozzarella is easy as well as simple goat cheeses. Cheese is fun to make, but never lasts long before it gets eaten up!
This blog will be the place where I record all of my adventures in fermentation, vegetation and maturation. I may provide some of my favorite recipes and great tips for gardening, cooking, and all my other many hobbies. I also hope that it provides encouragement for other prospective brewers (especially girl brewers) to ditch their day jobs and start turning grains and fruits into delicious libations for all to enjoy!
Happy reading (and drinking!)

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